Admission Requirements

The main condition for admission to Epitech is to really love IT! Your interest and curiosity are our main evaluation criteria, much more than grades and diplomas.

The admission tests to integrate Epitech

The admission tests consist of:

Step  1

Epitech école informatique Bruxelles experts ingénierie logicielle

An oral motivation interview

Step 2

Epitech école informatique Bruxelles experts ingénierie logicielle

An English test

Each candidate is assessed individually, according to his/her profile and background. The emphasis is on motivation and adaptability to the particular pedagogy of the school and to the entrepreneurial spirit. The results of the exams are communicated in the days following the interview by e-mail or by post: the admitted candidate can, from that moment, pre-register to guarantee his/her enrollment. His/her certificate of success in the examinations required for his/her admission level (CESS or European equivalent) will definitively validate his/her registration.

Prerequisites for admission to the first year 

Holders of the CESS, or an equivalent European diploma, are admitted to the first year of the “Grande École” Program in September.